Have you ever been posed with the question "Why do you believe what you believe?" In that moment many of us frantically search through our minds for scripture and experiences that might be able to prove the validity of this choice in our life. Everyone has a unique answer to this question involving scripture, experiences, or a combination of the two, but at the end of the day we are still choosing to put our faith completely in a being that we have never physically met or seen. This can be a little unsettling at times but as God says in Philippians, He provides us with a peace that exceeds our understanding!
As I was processing through this question the other day I realized something that I had never really thought about before. The reason that I believe what I believe is because when I have read God's word and followed what it says, His promises proved true. Every time that I have chosen to serve someone else, God fills my heart with joy. Every time that I have placed my worries in His hands, He has given me peace. Every time that I have told His story, He has become an even greater part of mine. And every time that I have chosen to trust Him, He has faithfully directed my paths. OUR GOD IS EXACTLY WHO HE SAYS HE IS! I believe in this God because His words have proven true, His promises have been fulfilled, and He continues to fill my life with joy!
In that moment I made the decision that even if God didn't exist I am convinced that I would follow Him anyways, because following Him has given me greater joy, greater peace, and greater love in my heart than I could ever hope or imagine. The way that we live our life as followers of Christ doesn't make sense to the rest of the world, but what they don't realize is that our lives are abundant IN CHRIST! Our God is real and He loves His children!
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." -Hebrews 13:8