Hello friends! I hope that this blog post finds you doing well. It has been a little too long since the last time that I posted something on this blog and a lot of fun stuff has happened since the last time I posted! I thought I would take a moment to reflect on the last couple months and give you a glimpse into how life has been for me lately and a general idea of what this next season will look like for me.
Work: I am thoroughly enjoying my time at Family Legacy! I am learning new things consistently and I always feel like I am a contributing member to the work that is going on around the office. In November I took a two week budgeting trip to Zambia that gave me renewed vision for what I am doing and was an awesome opportunity to connect with the kids I care so much about. Overall it is easy to stay motivated and enthusiastic about the work that I am a part of at Family Legacy.
Zambia: This summer I will be heading back to Zambia to spend time working with the financials of our camp ministry at Family Legacy! I am very excited to be back in Zambia during Camp Life and I am looking forward to learning more of what my role will look when I move to Zambia full time. I will actually be in Zambia for two periods of time this summer and the dates are May 30th-June 21st and July 9th-19th.

Housing Situation: God has provided so faithfully for me while I have been in Dallas in the area of housing. Early on I had the opportunity to live with two different families for some time but recently I moved into a townhome with two other guys my age. I am excited to be in community again with guys in my stage of life and find opportunities to serve the community around us!
Overall, I am learning so much in this season and thankful for the people that I am surrounded by! Thank you for continuing to remain an active part of my life. I have realized that I cannot keep in close contact with everyone but I would love to hear from you, if you think about it please give me a call or shoot me a quick email! (noah@familylegacy.com)
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